Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Compliance Program

It is H2Verde’s policy to comply with all laws and regulations, as well as to maintain a high level of professional ethics in its business and partnerships, thus preserving the integrity and reputation of the Company.

The H2Verde Compliance Program is the set of structures, guidelines, rules, procedures, internal controls, and tools that aim to prevent, detect, and respond to compliance risks and ensure compliance with legislation, rules, and ethical standards in the market. Our program was developed in accordance with Law 12846/2013 and Decree 8420/2015.

Ethics and Risk Committee

The Ethics and Risks Committee is a collegiate, composed of members with an unblemished reputation and credibility with H2Verde’s employees, partners, and suppliers, with complementary skills, experiences, and abilities, and with total independence and autonomy.

The Ethics and Risks Committee is responsible for promoting a culture of ethics and integrity, through the management of the Compliance Program, ensuring compliance with current legislation and with the principles established in the Code of Conduct and Corporate Policies. In addition, it assesses and monitors strategic risks, which may impede the achievement of the Company’s objectives.

By June 31st, 2022, the Sustainability & Audit, Compensation and Finance & Investment committees will be fully operational.

Board of Directors and Advisors

H2Verde has a structured Board of Directors and Advisors responsible for the company’s strategic decisions. The Board has a total of 7 members, being 4 independent advisors.

Code of Conduct

H2Verde’s Code of Conduct is the instrument that should guide the actions, relationships, and the manner in which we conduct business with our partners, employees, service providers, and suppliers, aligned with our principles, mission, vision, and values and ​​in accordance with the current law, guidelines, internal rules, and the ethical standards of the market.

Adherence to the code of conduct


    CPF ou CNPJ de número *

    Razão social (caso de pessoal jurídica)

    , na qualidade de fornecedor da KWP ENERGIA S.A., sociedade por ações, com sede na Rua Pais de Araújo, nº 29, 9º andar, Conj. 93, Sala 5B, São Paulo, Estado de São Paulo, CEP 04531-940, inscrita no CNPJ sob o nº 36.377.848/0001-81 (“KWP”), DECLARO que tomei conhecimento e compreendi as disposições contidas no Código de Conduta da KWP (“Código”), no qual são incorporadas as disposições da Lei nº 12.846/2013 (Lei Anticorrupção) e do Decreto nº 8.420/2015, no tocante ao relacionamento com o Poder Público, cuja cópia me foi entregue e que me comprometo a respeitar, no desempenho das minhas atividades, em todos os termos, condições e princípios éticos. DECLARO, ainda, que no caso de dúvida ou conhecimento de qualquer violação aos termos do Código de Conduta, informarei imediatamente, por meio dos canais disponíveis. *


    Brasil: +55 61 3256 9468

    SCRN Quadra 702/703 – Bloco B – Lojas 40/50 – Parte 41
    Brasília – DF, CEP: 70.720-620

    Portugal: +351 938 074 432

    Avenida Aida, Estoril Garden – Blc. 1 – Sala 112
    2765-187 – Estoril